Calendar of the Soul
Calendar of the soul 5, May 5 - 11

Calendar of the soul 5, May 5 - 11


Mieke Mosmuller

05-05-2023 0 comments Print!
The soul in her perception has now unified with the light. It is the outer sunlight that comes out of the depths of the spirit, in which the creation of the Gods manifests itself. That light weaves in the space and is fruitful. One can perceive this in the richness of the blossom of all kinds, especially the prunus, the fruit trees and the lilac. In the consciousness of every day one doesn't even notice that the being of the soul has widened, has become free from the inner enclosed selfhood and that in this light the being of the soul appears. For the normal consciousness, the enlightened space seems to be completely empty, without soul. As we don't perceive the air till it becomes perceptible by becoming wind or storm, so we don't perceive soul in the sun enlightened space.

But this is the week in the year in which we sing a 'Magnificat' by nature: My soul has widened, as wide as the whole world-being.

May is the month of Maria, it is the month in which, in the catholic tradition, the processions are being walked, through the blossoming and flowering fields. This is an expression of this 'Magnificat' of the soul.

In the mantras of this week we can become so widened to the world-being ourselves and experience how this is a resurrection from the narrow, cramped, oppressive in self-enclosed selfhood. With the word 'Gods' is not meant polytheism. We must think here of the high hierarchic beings, the angels, the archangels, up to the seraphim, coming together in the creative power of the World Word: Christ.

In the light that from the depths of the spirit
Weaving fruitful in space
Manifests the creation of the Gods:
In him the being of the soul emerges
Widened to the being of the world
And resurrected
From narrow inner power of selfhood.

Im Lichte, das aus Geistestiefen
Im Raume fruchtbar webend
Der Götter Schaffen offenbart:
In ihm erscheint der Seele Wesen
Geweitet zu dem Weltensein
Und auferstanden
Aus enger Selbstheit Innenmacht.

Magnificat van Johann Sebastian Bach in a performance of Nikolaus Harnoncourt.Calendar of the soul 5, May 5 - 11 by Mieke Mosmuller

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