Calendar of the Soul
Calendar of the soul 6, May 12 - 18

Calendar of the soul 6, May 12 - 18


Mieke Mosmuller

12-05-2023 0 comments Print!
In this week we could feel how our whole self is resurrected and is not living only in the narrowness of our own separate being, but has widened to the forces of time and space, and has become revelation of the world itself.

But then, if I can feel this truly, my perception of the world changes completely. In the perception of the revelation of the self, the world shows me this self as an image. This image of the self is shown as a divine archetype. I perceive the truth of the image of the self.
If I look outward now, I see myself as the world, the world as myself.

Resurrected from my own peculiar being
Is my Self and it finds itself
As a revelation of the world
In the forces of time and space;
The world shows to me everywhere
As a divine archetype
The truth of my own image.

Es ist erstanden aus der Eigenheit
Mein Selbst und findet sich
Als Weltenoffenbarung
In Zeit- und Raumeskräften;
Die Welt, sie zeigt mir überall
Als göttlich Urbild
Des eignen Abbilds Wahrheit.Calendar of the soul 6, May 12 - 18 by Mieke Mosmuller

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