Calendar of the Soul
Calendar of the soul 7, May 19 - 25

Calendar of the soul 7, May 19 - 25


Mieke Mosmuller

19-05-2023 0 comments Print!
In becoming an image of the world, the self reaches the complete self-forgetfulness. But by arriving at the border of consciousness, the self feels that it has to recollect itself, that it should not fly away into the cosmic light. Something that is an almost unknown faculty of the human mind, the foreboding, the anticipation, has to be called in mind. This art of guessing must now come in the place of the power of thinking, that wants to lose itself in the radiating shine of the light of the senses.

My self is impending to flee,
being mightily attracted by the light of the world.
Now enter, my foreboding,
powerful into your rights,
Replace the power of thinking
that wants to lose itself
In the shine of the senses.

Mein Selbst, es drohet zu entfliehen,
Vom Weltenlichte mächtig angezogen.
Nun trete du mein Ahnen
In deine Rechte kräftig ein,
Ersetze mir des Denkens Macht,
Das in der Sinne Schein
Sich selbst verlieren will.Calendar of the soul 7, May 19 - 25 by Mieke Mosmuller

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