Calendar of the Soul
Calendar of the Soul 4, April 28 - May 4

Calendar of the Soul 4, April 28 - May 4


Mieke Mosmuller

28-04-2023 1 comments Print!
Now that the power of thought has lost its own being, and I could forget my peculiarities, the sensitive perception can say that I can feel the becoming of my being. More than only thoughts unify me with the world now: it is my feeling power that unifies with the floods of the light  through my sensitivity, my feeling, my thinking can become not only clear but also warm. Thus can form the human being and the world a strong bind in unity. I can try to go into these processes while meditating: I can try to feel how I have become more feeling und have got the possibility to perceive the becoming of my being, how sensitive perception and flooding light are one. The light that belongs to thinking can now also become warm, because of the feeling that unifies with it. And so the world of the objective light and the more individual feeling become one.

I feel the becoming of my being
So speaks sensitive perception
That in the sun enlightened world
Unifies itself with floods of light;
It wants to give to thinking
Besides clarity also warmth
And bind firmly in unity
The human being and the world.

Ich fühle Wesen meines Wesens:
So spricht Empfindung,
Die in der sonnerhellten Welt
Mit Lichtesfluten sich vereint;
Sie will dem Denken
Zur Klarheit Wärme schenken
Und Mensch und Welt
In Einheit fest verbinden.
Calendar of the Soul 4, April 28 - May 4 by Mieke Mosmuller

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  • From Renzo Jansen @
    I'm the observer of the inner old soul within me. I do not meditate on a daily bases. I also certainly do not know exactly what I'm doing here, but I feel like the spirit it typing for me.
    please help me now, my experience with this spirit is not what I can comprehend.
    I post this here to be certain the message is received.
    please oh please help me now, the spirit is taking over me.