Opinions and judgements: how they are manipulated and how we can protect them

Opinions and judgements: how they are manipulated and how we can protect them


Mieke Mosmuller

28-06-2022 6 comments Print!
The text below is a literal transcription of the spoken video text.

The agendas that our governments follow are set and signed years in advance and, if you study them, you see that the previous agendas have also been partly realised or are well on the way to being realised. For example, the goals of the UN Agenda 2021 are very clearly pursued and the goals for 2030 are simply available for viewing. These goals can only be embraced: improving the climate, improving social cohesion and combating discrimination. The problem is not so much the goals of the agendas, but the means used to achieve them. For example, techniques are used to get groups of people to agree on predetermined content. If you direct people, or a group of people, a little each day for long enough, they will be influenced after a long time in how they come to form their 'own' opinions and judgements.Watch video on YouTube

Mieke Mosmuller

We are in fact constantly being bombarded with in the media and how our powers of judgement are being moved in a certain direction, not forced but very gently, so that generally speaking you gradually find yourself in very different forms of thought. In my conversations with Toon Hermans, he said, even then, in the early nineties, 'every day just a little'. If you want to change people's views, you have to give them a little bit every day. In such a way that they don't notice it, that they don't get the feeling 'yes but this is really ridiculous'. If you do it very carefully, then you can get the majority of people to really start forming different opinions and judgements.Yes, at the time when Corona was so prominent among us, we had a lot of opportunity to discuss all sorts of things in connection with it. In itself, of course, an epidemic is always limited, so yes, you could hope that after a period of two years, such an epidemic, a pandemic if you like, will actually come to an end. But then you could say: well, now we have a calmer phase. That soon turned out not to be the case, because a war broke out between Russia and the Ukraine, which claimed all the attention, and of course this is still daily news that you get to see in the media. Then the question is: what is actually happening in the world? And I had to think, when I was reflecting on this, of several things. First of all, in May, again after a long break, there was a physical meeting in Davos, where the World Economic Forum received the world's elite. I am always reminded - and I say this parenthetically - of the Bible, where it is said to the elite: 'You have already had your reward; in the kingdom of heaven it looks very different'. The elite is then received in Davos and a whole programme is discussed there. That is something that happened recently and then I had to think of a video I saw in the time that Corona was so intense and as a living human being in this world you really need points of comfort. So at a certain point, there was a video, an interview, with an American woman who warns against a certain course of events that has been set in motion as a result of the United Nations' Agenda 21 - this agenda has existed since the end of the 20th century, so in fact the view of the 21st century has led to a kind of programme being conceived of points that are important in the 21st century and that should actually be realised. I believe that all countries in the world have signed up to this programme. And if not all of them, then only two or three are exceptions. So that, that programme was presented to all governments and the governments said yes to it. And of course a signature like that doesn't only mean that you put something on paper, in ink, but it also means that you commit yourself. That there is a connection between the different countries in the world and the United Nations with this agenda. And this American woman, her name is Rosa Koire, published a book back in 2011 with an extremely interesting warning in it about this agenda. I had seen the interview and it had aroused my interest and I immediately ordered the book, it's called 'Behind the green mask', and I read it in one go because, it's not that there is so much news in it, it's more the opposite, you see all the known, you read about all possible known situations and you start to see that they belong to a certain agenda. For example, in the village where we live we have a square, not very large, a village square, and around it are new buildings, and these new buildings consist of shops on the ground floor and flats above. Well, this Rosa Koire describes how she was a professional woman, she was a real estate agent, in her hometown Santa Rosa she was confronted with remarkable plans for the transformation of the urban planning in that city, and because it also concerned a building she owned, she jumped in, not really knowing what she was getting into, and then she knew what she was getting into! For she describes this, how at first she still rather naively participates in municipal meetings and how it gradually becomes clear that a certain policy is followed there and that it is followed in such a way that you had better agree, because if you don't, a psychological war will break out against you. That means that you are excluded from the group, and that is experienced very violently, and of course it was the same for her. And I think, if you read it that way, most people withdraw and think: well, never mind, I'm not going there anymore and they do what they want, but I'm not going to take part anymore. But not her, she really became an activist and fought the fights to the extreme and therefore actually experienced all the things you get to experience during those processes, and she also described the technique that is used psychologically during meetings of the municipality, for example. You can look it up, it has a certain name, it's called the Delphi technique, and when you start reading it you think, well, you know it all, it's not only the case with municipalities, you recognise it when you have participated as a human being in certain organised groups, then you know these processes from your own experience. But she describes it in such detail that at a certain point it opens your eyes. So I would really advise everyone to read it, and what is very much at the heart of it is that Agenda 21 actually contains a whole series of ideals that no one can be against. When you talk about more greenery and protecting the climate and fighting discrimination against homosexuality for example, things like that, most people will certainly nod and say: it is certainly good that things are going this way - and also fighting poverty in the world, ensuring that every person can have a home, even buy one, all those things you read and you say: good, that they are taking this up and want to try to realise it in the 21st century. And it demonstrates that the problems raised there are, of course, very real, but that the way in which they are solved or tackled is actually the problem. So that is something we were able to experience once again in the corona pandemic, how of course you are dealing with a real problem in a certain sense, but how the solution to that problem is actually the real problem. And that is Agenda 21, but there is now a renewed Agenda, and it is called Agenda 2030. And this has nothing at all to do with conspiracy theories or whatever, because you can find it, you can find the whole agenda on the internet and see that it is the United Nations agenda and that it is endorsed by almost or all countries in the world and that we are therefore dealing with a global agenda that should be realised by 2030. And that's 17 goals. I thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to take a look at that in the coming months so that we know what those goals are in the first place, know that they are there, you will generally really embrace them, but the way in which they are realised and the backgrounds that lie behind those goals are something we have to get to know, of course. And then you see that in 2019, there is a signing of a contract between the World Economic Forum and the United Nations to realise a certain goal of, among others, sustainability. Well, I read the book and again, I didn't get the feeling it contained anything new, but I constantly had the impression: this is actually something you constantly come across, both in group life, in municipal life, in government life, in the life of certain institutions, and also in your own life, but then of course you don't try to deal with it like that, but you are confronted with it, that is unavoidable and you say to yourself: yes, I know, that is how it is, but I didn't see any coherence in it before. And then you start to see it. And that's what I would like to focus on in a number of videos, that we take a look at what we are in fact constantly being bombarded with in the media and how our powers of judgement are being moved in a certain direction, not forced but very gently, so that generally speaking you gradually find yourself in very different forms of thought. In my conversations with Toon Hermans, he said, even then, in the early nineties, 'every day just a little'. If you want to change people's views, you have to give them a little bit every day. In such a way that they don't notice it, that they don't get the feeling 'yes but this is really ridiculous'. If you do it very carefully, then you can get the majority of people to really start forming different opinions and judgements. And that is a certain technique and we are, well I don't want to say victim, because you don't have to be, but we are the object of it and I believe it is very necessary that we become aware in the self-knowledge that we are the object of it, how it is done and that we become stronger and stronger in forming our own opinion and judgement. And then, of course, not in a light-hearted way, not on the basis of what you always felt anyway, but on the basis of what the facts really have to tell you. I have written two books about this, the first is Learn to Think, in which I have tried, through exercises, to awaken an awareness of how you actually do that, forming opinions and judgements, and in the second book, which has just been published, under the title Learn to Feel! I have tried to deepen this further by using exercises again to establish within yourself how your emotional life colours the facts in the first place, how these facts are also coloured from the outside, how you then get a very strange palette of mixed colours, but how you should in fact get to the point where you learn to keep the colour of your own opinion and judgement out of it, so that you become fully receptive to what the facts actually have to say to you. I have the greatest admiration for this American woman, who continued to experience what happens when you resist. And yes, she is still here and she is still resisting and I think that we should not start with that, with resisting, but we should start with experiencing how we as humans are manipulated into forming opinions and judgements.

Opinions and judgements: how they are manipulated and how we can protect them by Mieke Mosmuller

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  • From Jet van Pelt @
    Prachtige en moedige vrouw, Rosa Koire! Ze is helaas vorig jaar overleden: https://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/
  • From @
    Wederom bedankt, Mieke. Zeer interessant! Verder voordrachten van je over dit en dit soort onderwerpen zie ik de komende tijd graag tegemoet!

    Zelf heb ik dat boek waarop je wijst 'Achter het groene masker - VN Agenda 21' (2011) van Rosa Koire nog niet gelezen. Als ik het wel heb, valt het boekwerk direct te lezen op internet:
    Url: https://cutt.ly/qK1gREc

    Voorts wekt dit item getrokken en bezien in brede context bij mij de komst van een nieuw boek van Francis Fukuyuma op: 'Het liberalisme en zijn schaduwzijden - Verdediging van een klassiek ideaal'.
    Url: https://cutt.ly/tK1huyO
    (Verschijningsdatum 21 juni 2022)

    Zie in dat verband mijn volgende LinkedIn bijdrage:
    Url: https://cutt.ly/pK1j4jQ
    • From @
      Nabericht. Het vertaalwerk van die gratis internetuitgave van het boek van Rosa Koire is meer dan belabberd, zie ik nu. Het gaat om een vrijwel onbewerkte Google Translate tekst.
    • From @
      Nabericht. Het vertaalwerk van die gratis internetuitgave van het boek van Rosa Koire is meer dan belabberd, zie ik nu. Het gaat om een vrijwel onbewerkte Google Translate tekst.
  • From Florian Bauer @
    Hier ist die Ausgabe in Englisch zu finden.
    • From @
      Herzlichen Dank, Florian Bauer!